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  • Writer's pictureSellRing

Why selling your jewelry post divorce is a smart idea?

We work with a lot of divorcees everyday and post divorce it is the most vulnerable time and they are in dire need to find financial and emotional stability.

Selling jewelry is one of the most convenient options to drum up some cash in an easy and efficient manner. It is easier to sell your jewelry than any other asset.

Most of the times the return on selling your jewelry can cover your legal fees, children's education or even the down payment on a new house.

Another important reason to sell your engagement ring post divorce is to get rid of the negative energy. Divorces are definitely difficult and take a toll on your mental and emotional health and to keep a reminder of that in your closet is futile. We suggest selling your ring and making the most of the money you can receive.

We want to encourage healthy beginnings by selling your old, unused jewelry or even the diamond Engagment ring that you don't need anymore!

Check out SellRing.NYC, we are located in NYC hence, competitive prices are guaranteed! Get a free quote on your jewelry today! Check out our social media for any seasonal deals as well!

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